Friday, March 6, 2009

Bethlehem, Part II

So, I re-worked the song for a few hours til I was happy with it. Went to the studio and Marc tracked the acoustic. I used my Gibson LG-1. I have to tape it up quite a it cause there is a nasty rattle. I think the pickguard needs to be re-glued. Anyhow...
I actually started the day off working around the house. Took a walk with the dogs. Pre-coffee. Saw a couple of wicker/metal chairs in a neighbors trash pile. So I took them home and spray painted them white. They look really nice. Then I pulled some weeds and watered my palm trees. I am in the neverending process of making my yard nice. Three years of touring has made it look unkempt. Full of weeds. Dried out grass. 
Then I finished my coffee and worked on Bethlehem for a few hours. Tracked it. Then I tried another song, realized I hadn't eaten all day, and called it a night. Feel super weak right now. A lot of my friends are sick so I hope this isn't a harbinger of ill. 
The acoustic sounds are amazing though. We used the Peluso P12 and the Shure SM 81. I hadn't used this combo before and it sounded great through the Uinversal Audio Pre's and the Summit Audio Compressors. 
Tomorrow, Jeff and Dan are sure to arrive to Bass and Drum and Trumpet. Ta Ta.


  1. so, i'm really diggin' this blog.
    thanks for taking the time to keep everyone updated, its so cool to hear about your progress each day.
    keep up the awesome work!

  2. "Star of Bethlehem" is a great Neil Young song. An even better Neil Young song is "Will to Love." It is on the same record if you are playing along at home.
