Monday, March 30, 2009

Cat and Mouse

So, a very few things have been getting done lately. It's been difficult scheduling everyone etc...But Dan came and played bass the other day for Bethlehem and it is in my Top 3 Dan Basslines. And it is my favorite bass tone I have ever recorded. I don't have a lot to say tonight. But my pictures will have to do. I went to the studio the other day and Daisy literally was on the console attacking my hand every time I touched the mouse. Hilarious. Didn't get a thing done that night. Hope all is well. Picture Parade.


  1. cool pics.
    thanks for sharing.
    as always....YOU ROCK!

  2. John
    It's great to hear you're recording a new record! it's been way too long since we last hung out man, i'd love to do some video work with this album! Things are going well out here in LA, coming out here anytime soon?
    take care
    Pete Gill
